Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stift Klosterneuburg

Today we went out 30 minutes from the city to get to Stift Klosterneuburg Monastery. The monastery is almost 900 years old, and was repeatedly the residence of Austrian rulers who each left their mark on the building.

 The Verdun Alter. Its 800 years old and depicts scenes from the old and new testament. the blue in it represents heaven and the gold represents the light of God.

Right outside the Monastery

Schonbrunn Palace

Schonbrunn Palace is beautiful. it has a total of 1400 rooms. and 100's of acres of property around it surrounded by gardens, mazes and fountains. It was  hot day until later on it started to rain really hard. it was nice to see rain and run though it. i have spent the whole summer without any rain.
with my pops! its great to spend time with him here!
A great view of the city right outside the Palace.


So i decided to spend a week in Vienna and visit my dad who is living here. I was tempted to meet up with a good friend that is traveling all over Europe but it just didn't work out. Austria has a total of 8 million people. 3 million of them are out of town at the moment. Its absolutely beautiful here. the people dress really well and most of them are really tall. there are many very tall women.
there were tons of mimes throughout the city center.

Goodbye Jerusalem

The other day was my last day in Jerusalem. I can't believe that its already over. it was such a great experience to spend 3 1/2 months there. My testimony in the Gospel has been strengthened so much. I have made such good friends there. It has been weird leaving because the whole summer i was told pretty  much what to do all day. People planned out my day for me and all i had to do was make it on time to field trips and to class. I finally can be alone or go somewhere alone. oh, the freedom! it feels great. I will cherish the memories i had in Jerusalem. They have made me a better person!
maybe one day soon i can catch up with the last month or so with blogging about Jerusalem. Maybe.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Camel for Lunch

People in our group have been planning for a while to go get camel.  A few days ago many people backed out because the administration didn't approve of us doing it. Only a few of us stayed strong to try it. It was really good! They brought out three different ways of cooking it. We also ate some good pita's with hummus

The group that came. We were the only ones in the restaurant. We thought it was a little sketch when we first walked into the restaurant until we turned the corner and saw our seats in this cave like restaurant.

The first camel dish they brought out. This was my favorite! The meat just fell off!

Yad Vashem

Okay, so this place totally reminded me of the Getty in LA when we first drove in. It was obviously nothing like the Getty inside though being it that its a holocaust museum. The architecture is really interesting. They didn't want the building to be taller than the top of the hill so they built it into the mountain.

We got here before they opened so we could walk around the outside without other tourists. Our Israeli teacher came with us and taught us much about the sights outside. These two sculptures represent the two different kinds of Jewish people during the Holocaust. The one of the left shows people with courage and are fighting against the Germans. The one on the right shows those who just accepted that they were in the hands of the Germans and just followed along without trying to fight back. After the holocaust ended, many people who represented the people on the right didn't want to let people know they were put into camps because they didn't want people to think less of them that they didn't fight and not be enslaved to the Germans.

With Jud outside a memorial.

Korozak and the Ghetto Children sculpture. This man left his wife and family to save the lives of the Jewish children in the Ghetto. They had a whole section dedicated to the children that died in the holocaust.
Below is a picture of Chrissy and I. Yes, we bought matching shirts that said 'Welcome to Israel' with Burt and Ernie.

Bacon Cheeseburger

So we have been stuck in the center the last week with tests. One of our teachers new a place where you could get a bacon cheeseburger. The day our tests finished we took a taxi to this restaurant in west Jerusalem. Obviously this isn't kosher so they have a security guard outside to only let people in that aren't going to get really mad about it not being kosher. Chrissy and i shared this burger. We got it with Gorgonzola cheese on it. Although it was really expensive, it worth every penny, i mean shekel!