Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Red Sea snorkeling - Eliat

So i took my sandals off for a few minutes while playing in the water. As i was walking out to leave i stepped down on a very sharp peace of dead coral. it went through all my skin and it was an inch long. luckily when i finally pulled away it just left my torn off skin as a flab hanging down. Once i got out of the water i looked down and it was dripping blood. I was taken to the lifeguard and all he did was bandage it up. Long story short, after going to the hospital, using crutches, and then a cane for two weeks, giving myself surgery bc the doctors here at the center aren't really of much help, I am now able to put pressure on it again. 21 days later. I would put other pictures up but don't want to gross people out.

Snorkeling was so much fun. I loved all the different colors of blue. In the distance is Jordan. Saudi Arabia is a little further to the right.

Im pretty sure every picture that was taken i was doing this exact pose. I don't know why. haha But there were tons of really pretty fish down in there.

Just some of the little fish we saw.. Yeah. There were schools of them. Class must have just gotten out... ha One of the girls actually caught one in a plastic cup. That fish must have been a little socially awkward.
I just had to add this picture in because i love how Chrissy is carrying her sandals with her as she snorkels. haha I should have told her just to bring her backpack in with her to make sure no one steals her towel, lunch, and clothing.  haha jk But it makes for a great picture! Actually i was holding my sandals just like that when i got the gash in it... Shoot.
Below - many people were wind surfing. I would have loved to go but then i got hurt so i just watched them having fun.

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