Sunday, May 30, 2010

At the biblical landscape reserve

This sheep didn't want to be held. It kicked me in the arm and someone yesterday asked me if it was a birth mark. It kept kicking to get out. ha but none the less it was fun!

I was in the first group that tried to herd sheep. The guide didn't tell us anything to do. This is me trying to pick up the sheep. The way to lead them, as we found out later, is you lead from the behind and point with your stick the way you want them to go. You need the leader of the sheep to follow you and all others will follow.

Pulling up water from a cistern. It got pretty heavy toward the end.

We made our own pita bread. I got my hands dirty to mix the ingredients together. I made my pita too fat but it was good once i dipped it into date honey and the oregano that we picked earlier.

Getting on the shuttle that takes you around the reserve with Daniel and Kendel.

Good to know that they do weddings here! ha


  1. nice shoes lisa. bahahahahahaha. :)

  2. LISAL!!! I found you all the way out in the holy land... Gotcha!~ {And will you pet one of those camels for me??}
